Shoulder pain therapy
Shoulder pain can occur acutely (caused by an injury), or pain that occurs as a result of chronic conditions. In the younger population, it is most often the result of an injury, while in the elderly, it is a more common cause of chronic changes.
Pain in the shoulder can be reflected from the zone of the cervical or thoracic part of the spine, the zone under the shoulder blade, where the physiotherapist or physiatrist can feel the changes through palpation, the patient feels pain that is reflected in the shoulder, also the intercostal zone can reflect pain in the shoulder , that is why it is necessary to perform an examination and establish the exact place of origin of the pain, because only then can adequate therapy be implemented. Pain in the shoulder itself sometimes cannot be treated with therapies, because it can be caused by a cardiac condition, therefore it is necessary to take into account all aspects, as well as the complete clinical picture of the patient, if necessary, the patient is referred to imaging of the shoulder or other parts of the potential site of pain, I can work, x-ray, mr, ct, ultrasound of soft tissues, emng…
Therapy for shoulder pain:
Chiropractic (if indicated)
Manual non-invasive method
Laser therapy
Ultrasound therapy
Tecar therapy
Mesotherapy of pain
We are at your disposal for any additional information
Hirofizikal Rehabilitation Clinic.