The knee joint suffers a great load when walking, so it can be easily damaged over time. If we add to all that sports injuries or damage due to heavy physical work, which additionally burdens the knee, then inadequate treatment, e.g. arthritis, the patient may become a candidate for knee prosthesis implantation. The terminology used when implanting an artificial knee (knee arthroplasty, prosthesis, artificial joint, artificial knee), sometimes confuses patients. It should be noted that the main difference with an artificial knee is in a total (complete) or partial (partial) prosthesis.
Types of materials from which artificial knees are made:
- Metal (steel, titanium)
- Ceramics
- Plastic
Indications for knee replacement:
- The pain
- Limited movement
- Osteoarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis
- Knee fracture
Rheumatological diseases
Knee infections that can lead to damage
Previously inadequate treatment
The rehabilitation process begins immediately after the surgery, on the same day or the next day. The patient becomes vertical, starts walking, with the help of aids (crutches, walkers) or only with the assistance of a physiotherapist, depending on the patient’s condition, his muscles, general health, as well as previous activities and possible accompanying diseases.
PHASE ONE The first day of surgery to 21 days:
- Walking with or without help
- Pain reduction (analgesic effect)
- Reduction of swelling (antiedematous effect)
- Reduction of inflammation (anti-inflammatory effect)
- Static muscle contractions or moderate active exercise
- Quadriceps electrostimulation (if indicated)
PHASE TWO from the third to the twelfth week:
- Increase the range of motion by 120 degrees
- Active exercises to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities
- Exercises that are performed in a standing position
- Gait correction
- Eventual release from aids
- Gradual increase in muscle strength
PHASE THREE from the twelfth week until the end of rehabilitation:
- Dynamic exercises, stride, half squats, adding weight to the operated leg (0.5kg), balance exercises, cycling
- Returning to daily activities
- Swimming
- Patient education for independent work at home
- Recommendation of what to avoid from activities
For all additional questions and information, the Hiro-Fizikal Rehabilitation Clinic is at your disposal.