Massage has an analgesic effect on muscles and joints, increases skin elasticity, tones muscles, enhances the body’s resistance, and also has an anti-stress effect. We provide expert advice on choosing a massage upon arrival at our center.
Relax massage:
Relax massage speeds up the circulation, relaxes the muscles, removes tension and eliminates stress. This type of massage has 5 basic movements:
- Ironing
- Rubbing
- Kneading
- Tapping
- Vibrations
Relax massage can be done partially (one part of the body) or on the whole body.
Therapeutic massage:
It implies more intense movements and removes muscle tension. It is mainly used for the neck and shoulder part, where myogelosis (nodules) are formed, which are the result of the accumulation of lactic acids. Our recommendation is to undergo this massage for neck and back pain, especially in the area between the shoulder blades and the spine, where the most common localization is myogelosis.
Sports massage:
The name itself indicates that it is recommended for people who do sports, either professionally or on a recreational level. This massage improves the circulation in the muscles, activates the muscles before the effort or relaxes them after physical activity. The movements are stronger and more intense, and you can focus on a certain group of muscles.
- Category
- Services
- Type of therapy
- Massage
- Price
- From 3000 - 4000 RSD